Category Archives: Sports

Watch This: MIA Flashes Crotch And Flips Off Camera During Super Bowl Halftime Show

It’s at :10 – :15.  I’ll give her credit, it was sneaky.


NBC has apologized.

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, January 31

Florida primary yada, yada, yada … you don’t need a link to this stuff.  Stay tuned to 95.3 MNC for Florida primary coverage starting at 8 pm.


Right to work moves forward in Indiana Senate


Drug testing Indiana lawmakers is back on!


Mishiwaka high school wrestling scandal case to be closed to the public


Last teen in Niles ‘sextortion’ case is sentenced to probation


Dad calls 911 because kid was hit with snowball, filed battery complaint


Support Kelly Cares Foundation


Government says federal employees make more than private sector


Is Obama most polarizing president ever?


Indiana Senate proposes teaching creationism from many religion’s perspectives


Obama flubs how many jobs his administration created during Google+ townhall


Blake Griffin POSTERIZES Kendrick Perkins “DUNK OF THE YEAR”

Hockey Player Refuses To Visit Obama, Team Says He’s Wrong About Government Threatening Our Freedoms

Tim Thomas, of the Boston Bruins, refused to attend the ceremony for the team at the White House.  He gave a well reasoned, and relatively neutral statement on why he chose to not go.

“I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People. This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government. Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.”

The team issued the following response:

We are disappointed that Tim chose not to join us, and his views certainly do not reflect those of the Jacobs family or the Bruins organization.”

What views don’t ‘reflect on those of the Jacobs family, or the Bruins organization’ again?

  • That Rights, Liberties, and Property are under threat?
  • That the branches of government are all out of whack from what the founders intended?
  • That Tim is a free citizen?
  • That both parties are responsible?

Or was this just a general, poorly written, statement that I’m taking out of context?

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49ers Fans, This Is Why You Lost. Bad Joojoo.

49ers fans booing Giants players during the national anthem.

UPDATE: This is a new video, previous video was removed.

Did Penn State Commit Murder To Cover Up Sex Abuse?